Time to Talk

Time to Talk

Thursday 4th February 2021. Small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.

We know that the more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down, helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us with mental health problems are made to feel.

Time to Talk Day is the day that we get the nation talking about mental health. This year’s event might look a little different, but at times like this open conversations about mental health are more important than ever.

We need your help to start the conversation this Time to Talk Day – together we can end mental health stigma.

For more information visit Time to Change

Working for Carers is a London-wide project that supports unpaid carers, aged 25 or over, to move closer to employment. The project is led by Carers Trust and delivered by its network of partners across London. Working for Carers is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund. Contact Working for Carers on 020 8868 5224 Ext 218/208.

Carers Rights Day

Carers Rights Day

Thursday 26th November 2020

Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, we believe that it’s important that you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Each year, Carers Rights Day helps us:

  • – ensure carers are aware of their rights
  • – let carers know where to get help and support
  • – raise awareness of the needs of carers.

The theme for Carers Rights Day 2020 is ‘Know Your Rights’

Carers need to know their rights wherever they are in their caring journey: whether they are in the workplace, in a healthcare setting, when interacting with professionals or at home. This Carers Rights Day, we want to empower carers with information and support, so they can feel confident asking for what they need. We also want carers to know how to challenge things when their rights are not being met.

For more information please visit Carers UK

LondonADASS Carers Festival

LondonADASS Carers Festival

Saturday 26th September 1pm-6pm online using zoom –   Celebrating the role of carers across the Capital.

The festival concept was proposed following consultation with carer representatives across London.

To book the Carers Festival – click the following link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/celebrating-the-role-of-carers-across-the-capital-tickets-119850852125

To access the Carer Festival Programme click the following link https://londonadass.org.uk/annual-carers-festival/

To view the LondonADASS Annual Carer Festival flyer click here

CV’s & Covering Letters

CV’s & Covering Letters

Writing a CV that will make you stand our can seem daunting, but if you can get help from employment support services such as Working for Carers.

Writing a CV
A good CV is one or two pages of A4, and includes the following:

– Personal details: name and contact details.
– Personal statement: short summary of your skills and career goals.
– Work experience: job title, organisation,employment dates and main responsibilities.
– Education: institution, dates and qualifications.
– Skills and achievements: in and outside work.

You can also add your hobbies, and note that references can be provided on request. Ask one or two people if they would be happy to provide a reference. This could be a manager, colleague, tutor or other professional.

Your caring role
You can mention your caring role on your CV, but this is up to you. It may help an employer understand any gaps in your work history.Think about the skills you have gained
as a carer as these may be useful in the workplace.For example, you might have gained skills in time management, form filling, budgeting and negotiating.

To read the CV’s and Coverings Information fact sheet, click here.

If you would like to join the Working for Carers CV Writing Skills online workshop on Thursday 20th August, please click here

Balancing Work & Caring

Balancing Work & Caring

Balancing a job with your caring role can be difficult and you may need time to adjust. You might need to ask for help to manage your working life, especially if there is a change in your caring role:

  • – Find out about support for carers in your workplace
  • – Talk to your manager about any adjustments to your working arrangements that you
  •     may need in the short or long-term.
  • – Talk to the person you are caring for about support you may need.
  • – Make sure you and the person you are caring for have a carer’s assessment.

Click here to read the information fact sheet