Young Carer Assessment

Apply for your Young Carers Assessment today
The Young Carers team at Harrow Carers have partnered with Harrow Council to carry out young carers assessments with the goal of helping young carers living in Harrow access their right to an assessment.
Set out in Section 96 of the children and families act all young carers have a right to an assessment to talk about the role they play in their family and what we can do to support them. Any young person under 18 has the right to request an assessment. If we are worried about you a social worker my request one on your behalf. A young carer’s assessment is your opportunity to tell us about you and how we can help. We will talk with you and members of your family about how you help and the challenges you face as a young carer such as getting out to see friends. It is important for us to listen to you about how you feel and what we can do to help you achieve your goals.
Assessments take place online or at the Harrow Carers Centre after school and on Saturday mornings. They can also be done in your home if your not able to get out. The assessment meeting will take approximately one hour.
For more information on assessment and support check out our assessment guide and the local offer of support available to your and your family.
Who Can Apply
To be applicable for a young carer’s assessment you need to be:
- Under the age of 18
- Live in the borough of Harrow (if you live in another borough please contact your local authority for an assessment)
- Be a young carer*
*A young carer is someone under 18 who helps “care” for another person who needs support due to illness, a disability/ condition, substance misuse or mental health problems. Caring can cover a lot of different things, like helping the person you care for with their washing, dressing or eating, taking them to appointments or keeping them company when they feel lonely or anxious. You may also give them medicine or help with housework or look after your brothers or sisters.
To get started please contact Harrow Young Carers team on 0208 8685224 or email and a member of our team will be in touch.