Young Carers

Young Carers

If you are aged 17 or under and look after someone with a physical or mental health problem, you might not think of yourself as a carer but you probably are. There is a whole community of young people like you facing the same day-to-day issues and Harrow Carers are here to support you if you or the person you care for live in Harrow.

Who is a Young Carer?

In the Children’s and Family’s act 2014 it states; “young carer” means a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person [unless the care provided is either in a paid or voluntary capacity]. ( Section 96, 3)

This also extends the right to an assessment of needs for support to all young carers under the age of 18 regardless of who they care for, what type of care they provide or how often they provide it.

A young carer may undertake some or all of the following:

  • Practical tasks, such as cooking, housework and shopping.
  • Physical care, such as lifting, helping a parent on stairs or with physiotherapy.
  • Personal and Intimate care tasks, such as dressing, washing, helping with toileting needs.
  • Managing the family budget, collecting benefits and prescriptions.
  • Administering medication.
  • Looking after or “parenting” younger siblings.
  • Emotional support.
  • Interpreting, due to a hearing or speech impairment

So a young carer could be a someone with a sibling who has a disability who they sit with and watch to keep them safe, it could be a young person who has a parent with cancer who they have to help after Chemo,  or even a young person who’s parent has mental health and you just try to cheer them up. You may have to help your parent and a sibling. It could be going round after school to look after your grandparent. You may help some one with medication, reading to them, signing for them if they are deaf, or taking them shopping.

It not about how much you do or how often if its every day or once a week. It doesn’t matter the size of your family, or if you have one, two or more or no parents, it doesn’t matter if you live in a big house or a flat.

At Harrow Young Carers we are all equal because we all care for people we love.


Whats on offer for Young Carers

All services and activities are free for young carers 17 years of age or younger:

  • We offer drop-ins at schools, helping your school understand about your role as a young carer and providing practical support and advice in a confidential environment
  • We offer monthly outings, activities and educational events to give you a break from your caring role and introduce you to other young carers who may be going through something similar
  • During half-term breaks and summer holidays, we offer residential trips, fun activities and educational events.
  • 1 to 1 support according to your need
  • We offer family support including home visits where appropriate

And much more…

If you feel you are a young carer call us on 0208 868 5224 (ext. 226). Alternatively, email us at
Follow us on Instagram: @Harrow.YoungCarers for updates and pictures from events!

Why not check our events?

Every season we update our programme to include new events and activities for young carers to participate in. From tuition session to day trips we have a variety of things for young carers to pick from to improve skills, socialise and most importantly relieve stress from day to day life. Please email for updated schedule.

Follow us! 

Want to see what our young carers get up? Then check out our Instagram page; @harrow.youngcarers

Photo Gallery

Click through the images to see our young carers in action.

Do You Know a Young Carer?

If you are a school wishing to refer please click here for a Schools Referral Form.

If you are a professional working with the young carer or family please click here for our Family Referral Form.

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