Befriending Service 

Befriending service

There is incontrovertible evidence to show that just talking to someone, being an empathetic listener and showing kindness can be incredibly comforting. I really hope through this service to provide at least some relief to these carers, who work extremely hard, sometimes without enough respite.

Our befriending service for our elderly carers, many of whom look after ill, frail, disabled or disadvantaged loved ones

Carers will receive a regular visit by a ‘friend’ for a coffee and a chat about whatever they choose, allowing them to enjoy a brief respite from their caring role.  We will help introduce carers to events and activities that may interest the local community. We carefully interview and take up full references before we match a volunteer befriender to you. Each befriending session is limited to 10 weeks.

Volunteering as a befriender is hugely rewarding. Just by talking to someone, being an empathetic listener and showing kindness, they can connect to someone and give something back to the community

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers for a ‘cuppa tea and chat’ service for unpaid Carers, who feel isolated while they look after their loved ones’ or ‘volunteers needed to visit or call isolated elderly carers to have a cup of tea, hear their stories’. If you would like to volunteer, please complete the application form and email it to

If you would like to be part of the service as a befriender or carer, please contact: Kalpana Mehta, Befrienders Coordinator 07719 068413 / 02088 685224

“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

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