What we do
We are here to support unpaid carers in Harrow
Established in 1996, Harrow Carers is an independent charity and the primary support agency for carers in Harrow. We have created an extensive network of services to enhance the quality of life for carers of all ages.
Our services are specifically tailored for unpaid carers in Harrow, who are providing unpaid care and support for a member of the family or friend who is ill, frail, disabled, disadvantaged, or struggling with drug or alcohol dependency.
Our overarching goal is to enhance the well-being and resilience of carers from diverse backgrounds and age groups. We strive to enable them to continue offering support to their care without compromising their own health, social connections, and capacity to contribute to society.

What we do
What we do
We recognise that carers suffer physically, mentally, socially and financially and may become patients themselves if not properly supported. We offer our services to anyone who cares for people in the community who are ill, frail, disabled and disadvantaged.
How we do it
Once you have registered with us, you will be invited to attend a one-to-one assessment. We will discuss your caring role to understand the areas in which you need support or help. We will offer you specialist, tailored advice and support based on your needs. This can include activities, training, benefits advice, help in filling out forms, peer support and provide you with helpful information and free resources. We can also signpost you and the person you care for on to relevant specialised sources of support in Harrow.
Our impact
From the beginnings over 26 years ago, Harrow Carers (then Carers Support Harrow), has grown from a small steering group of carers and volunteers to an organisation caring for over 5,000 carers and their families in the London Borough of Harrow and surrounding areas.
Carers Charter
Our carers charter sets high standards for our charity in making sure every unpaid carer receives a professional, friendly service that meets their needs for support. Harrow Carers expects all of its staff, Trustees and volunteers to follow good practice guidelines and deliver an excellent standard of service at all times.
Our Story
1995 – Laying the groundwork
In February 1995, a meeting was convened to respond to the needs of carers who were being formally identified as a result of the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995.
It started as a joint initiative between Harrow Council, Brent and Harrow Health Authority and Harrow Association of Voluntary Service.
In June 1995, a steering group was formed and agreed to appoint a full-time Development Worker for an initial six month period, to research the needs of carers and to start identifying more carers in the area. In response to the needs, special initiatives such as the advice and information projects were developed.
1996 – Opening an office
In March 1996, Carers Support Harrow elected a chair and the Steering Group became an Interim Management Committee.
In May 1996, a Director and an administrator were appointed and opened an office at the Red Cross Centre in Harrow.
In October 1996, Carers Support Harrow was registered with the Charity Commission.
1998 – Growing the number of services
In April 1998, the organisation joined The Princess Royal Trust for Carers network.
The organisation grew and soon moved to Milmans residential and day centre in Pinner. The number of staff increased to five with the range of services provided increasing as well.
By August 1998, services had expanded significantly and Carers Support Harrow moved to Central Depot, Harrow
2008 – The name ‘Harrow Carers’ is born
Carers Support Harrow changed its name to Harrow Carers on 11th June 2008.
Today – Working along the same mission as at the start
The organisation employs 50 staff members and is supported by 40 volunteers, and several partners.
Harrow Carers now has six distinct services providing a wide range of support.
The same drive and energy which brought together a group of individuals dedicated to supporting carers and their families is still very strong today. One of the volunteers who helped in the early days in 1997 became our CEO in 2005 and is still here today.

Why you should support us.
Every donation helps; whether it’s a one-off contribution like a legacy donation or a monthly direct debit. Your donations can help us create new services and provide better support for our carers. From complementary therapies to counselling and training for carers, your help can go a long way. Additionally, we have a number of ways you can fundraise by simply thinking of us when you go about your day-to-day lives!