Carers Rights Day 23rd November 2023

Carers Rights Day 23rd November 2023

Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, it’s important that you understand your rights and access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Carers Rights Day is about raising awareness of carers’ rights and entitlements, to help carers get the support they need.

To celebrate Carers Rights Day on Thursday 23th November we invite you to join us at Old Lyonians Ground where there will be presentations from experts covering important topics and there will also be an opportunity for you to speak with professionals and to ask questions specific to your need(s).

A review of the borough carers strategy and our AGM will also take place on this day. This will be a great opportunity to meet the Strategic Commissioning Manager, Robert Mackenzie-Wilson and the Social Care team from Harrow Council.

Thursday 23rd November 2023, 1pm – 4pm
At the Old Lyonians, 74 Pinner View, Harrow HA1 4QF

Read our latest newsletter

Read our latest newsletter

The Harrow Carers News Bulletin is produced every couple of months and contains all of the latest updates to help keep you informed about our work and upcoming activities.

If you do not currently receive our bulletins either by post or email but would like to, then please sign up to our newsletter below. Note that signing up for our email version can help us reduce printing and save the environment!

For previous issues please click here

Would you like to place an advert in our upcoming news bulletin? Call us at: 020 8868 5224 and request a media pack with more information and prices.

Click here for our latest edition

London Youth Bronze Quality Award

London Youth Bronze Quality Award

After 10 months of hard work, we are excited to celebrate that our Young Carers Team was awarded the London Youth Bronze Quality Mark! It is a nationally recognised quality mark that is accredited to organisations that deliver the highest standard of youth work across London.

What is the Bronze award for?

The Bronze Quality Mark is a quality assurance framework that provide youth organisations with a badge of excellence. The process is comprehensive and is based on a variety of criteria such as outcomes and aims for young people, safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, health and safety, partnerships, leadership and charity governance.

London Youth’s goal for organisations is for a journey of continually improving polices, procedures and programmes following best practice.

If you would like more information on on our Young Carers service please email:

Read our latest newsletter

Read our latest newsletter

The Harrow Carers News Bulletin is produced every couple of months and contains all of the latest updates to help keep you informed about our work and upcoming activities.

If you do not currently receive our bulletins either by post or email but would like to, then please sign up to our newsletter below. Note that signing up for our email version can help us reduce printing and save the environment!

For previous issues please click here

Would you like to place an advert in our upcoming news bulletin? Call us at: 020 8868 5224 and request a media pack with more information and prices.

Click here for our latest edition

Taking care of your own wellbeing when caring for someone

Taking care of your own wellbeing when caring for someone

As a carer it is so easy to put the needs of the person you are caring for before your own. But as the saying goes you can not pour from an empty cup. If you don’t take care of yourself as well you will be no good to yourself let alone others. You could experience depression or even burn out. Therefore it is very important to look after your own wellbeing when caring for someone. This includes taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing.

Caring for someone can be very stressful, which is why it is imperative that you take care of yourself and practise stress management. Yoga can be so helpful to help with sleep and stress. It is a form of exercise with stretching and poses and breathing that can clear the mind and strengthen the  body. This can be done online in zoom. Therefore you do not have to worry about travelling to a location, especially as this may not be possible with the demands of caring for someone.

Meditation is also great for relaxation and to help de stress. It is also excellent as it is known to help shift anxiety and depression.

Having good mental health and taking care of your own mental health is crucial when caring for someone.

Harrow Carers have a mental health support group, which is also online.

We also hold a  carers tea and coffee zoom group. Support groups are very useful as you meet people who are carers like you, and you can exchange tips and coping strategies. You can talk about your problems and share your experiences with others. It makes you realise that you are not on your own.

If you feel like you need to speak to someone privately and professionally or if your mental and emotional health is suffering, it is important to seek support earlier than later through talking therapy. It is a safe confidential space to get things off your chest and work to finding solutions with someone who is on your side  and who is there to listen. Harrow Carers offer free and affordable counselling sessions for unpaid carers.

Self care is often a term that gets thrown about. Its not just airy fairy. Self care is about you prioritising time for you. It is valuable time spent on taking care of yourself. It could be keeping up with your own dental and medical or hospital appointments. Ensuring that you are looking after your own health as well is important even though you are a carer. To take care of your own wellbeing have a good diet, eat healthy and drink plenty of water. Rest when possible.

Do things you enjoy like reading and watching television to relax. Keep active.

Seek support from family members so you can take a break from the caring role sometimes.

Unpaid cares sometimes have paid carers who come in a few days a week, so they can have some time off. This can be helpful to go to visit the bank and do food shopping. Paying a carer may not always be feasible especially with rising cost of living at the moment. Therefore seeking support from a friend or family member can be beneficial once or twice a week so that you can have some time to yourself.

It may be difficult to balance taking care of yourself and  your wellbeing when caring for someone else because of the demanding nature of the caring role. But like stated above if this is not done it can lead to  mental health problems,  poor physical health and possibly burn out.

With support groups and exercise and self care it is possible to take care of your wellbeing when caring for someone, especially when this is made a priority. Harrow Carers is an organisation that is there to support unpaid carers. Please get in contact with us to support your care needs as a carer.

By Natalie Reuben 

Working for Carers is a London-wide project that supports unpaid carers, aged 25 or over, to move closer to employment. The project is led by Carers Trust and delivered by its network of partners across London. Working for Carers is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.