by Admin | 02.02.2024
The Harrow Carers News Bulletin contains all of the latest updates to help keep you informed about our work and upcoming activities.
If you do not currently receive our bulletins either by post or email but would like to, then please sign up to our newsletter below. Note that signing up for our email version can help us reduce printing and save the environment!
For previous issues please click here
Would you like to place an advert in our upcoming news bulletin? Call us at: 020 8868 5224 and request a media pack with more information and prices.

by Admin | 22.01.2024
The FREE Health Checks are carried out by NHS staff at our office in North Harrow every Saturday and designed to detect the early signs of diabetes, hypertension and heart related age and provide advice re moving to a healthier lifestyle.
The facts:
- Harrow has a higher than England prevalence rate of Diabetes.
- In 2020/21 there were 22,367 people, aged 17 years or older, who had been diagnosed with diabetes and included on GP registers in NHS Harrow CCG. This equals 10.0% of the population. However, the total prevalence of people with diabetes, diagnosed and undiagnosed, is estimated to be 10.5%.
- People with diabetes are at a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke. In Harrow, people with diabetes were 100.5% more likely than people without diabetes to have a heart attack. This was higher than the figure for England which was 86.9%.
- The additional risk of mortality for people with diabetes is higher in Harrow than in England.
To book your FREE NHS health check call Harrow Carers: 020 8868 5224 or email – Harrow Carers Office, 376-378 Pinner Road, North Harrow HA2 6DZ
by Admin | 13.12.2023
The Harrow Carers News Bulletin is produced every couple of months and contains all of the latest updates to help keep you informed about our work and upcoming activities.
If you do not currently receive our bulletins either by post or email but would like to, then please sign up to our newsletter below. Note that signing up for our email version can help us reduce printing and save the environment!
For previous issues please click here
Would you like to place an advert in our upcoming news bulletin? Call us at: 020 8868 5224 and request a media pack with more information and prices.

by Admin | 18.10.2023
Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, it’s important that you understand your rights and access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Carers Rights Day is about raising awareness of carers’ rights and entitlements, to help carers get the support they need.
To celebrate Carers Rights Day on Thursday 23th November we invite you to join us at Old Lyonians Ground where there will be presentations from experts covering important topics and there will also be an opportunity for you to speak with professionals and to ask questions specific to your need(s).
A review of the borough carers strategy and our AGM will also take place on this day. This will be a great opportunity to meet the Strategic Commissioning Manager, Robert Mackenzie-Wilson and the Social Care team from Harrow Council.
Thursday 23rd November 2023, 1pm – 4pm
At the Old Lyonians, 74 Pinner View, Harrow HA1 4QF
by Admin | 09.10.2023
The Harrow Carers News Bulletin is produced every couple of months and contains all of the latest updates to help keep you informed about our work and upcoming activities.
If you do not currently receive our bulletins either by post or email but would like to, then please sign up to our newsletter below. Note that signing up for our email version can help us reduce printing and save the environment!
For previous issues please click here
Would you like to place an advert in our upcoming news bulletin? Call us at: 020 8868 5224 and request a media pack with more information and prices.