Our Blog
Balancing Work & Caring
Balancing a job with your caring role can be difficult and you may need time to adjust. You might need to ask for help to manage your working life, especially if there is a change in your caring role: - Find out about support for carers in your workplace - Talk to...
Carers Week Video
Carers Trust were thrilled that Her Majesty The Queen and Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal joined four carers and their CEO, Gareth Howells, in a very special video call to mark Carers Week. Please click here to take you to Carers Trust to view the video The...
National Employability Day
In celebration of National Employability Day on 26th June 2020 Working for Carers are running an online session on Interview Techniques This session is for unpaid carers aged 25 or over who are interested in moving closer to employment and will cover: How to answer...
Carers Week 2020
Monday 8th June to Sunday 14th June 2020 Carers Week 2020 is made possible by Carers UK working together with five other national charities. Together we're asking local communities, organisations and individuals to join us in 'Making Caring Visible'. British Gas, part...
Benefits Calculator
The online benefits calculator makes it easier to work out which benefits you might be able to claim, and how much you could get. Both you and the person you care for can use this benefits calculator as long you are over 18 and aren’t students. It is free to use and...
Please support us now
With the Coronavirus pandemic, it is changing things for everybody. Harrow's unpaid carers are at the very front line. These are the people who are looking after a vulnerable member of their family, a friend or a neighbour. Many have been doing this for years, but in...