Feeling anxious about meeting your colleagues for the first time or feeling overall nervous for your first day back in the office?

After a few years of uncertainty, it is important to highlight that you are probably not the only one feeling these nerves, and settling into a ‘new normal’ is as aspect of life that many of us havefeared as it marks a new beginning. New beginnings do tend to be daunting, and landing yourself a new job comes with new colleagues, new roles and responsibilities and a new office! Change is exciting, and an aspect of life that should be embraced, as it often leads us to new opportunities and depths of ourselves we wouldn’t reach without it.

A few top tips:

Be prepared:

Be organised; the day before, plan your day, your outfit, your commute and even the small things like what you will have for breakfast. If it helps, you could make a note of all of the things you’d like to get done during the day, a to-do list is always helpful, more so for the satisfaction of crossing things out once they’ve been actioned! If you’re feeling anxious the night before you attend the office, be sure to read the NHS top tips, and get an early night.

Take time for you:

What makes you feel at peace? Is it yoga, meditation, a simple walk? What about listening to your favourite song? What makes you feel grounded? Whatever it is, do that. It is often difficult to make time for yourself, especially after caring for somebody else, but it is evermore important to do this to ensure nerves are relaxed and we can perform at our best. Whatever your peace is, utilise it to the fullest.

Stay hydrated:

Water contains natural calming properties which help when feeling anxious, and can also provide feelings of relaxation. In addition to this, having a cold shower also encourages the release of cortisol which is also a stress-inducing hormone. You can read more about it here. Make sure you have a bottle of water with you throughout your day!

Once you’re in the office, I would recommend asking lots of questions, be aware of your body language, and be available to your buddy/manager to ensure you are learning lots and doing your best to fulfil your role. Take notes when you can, and if you can’t ask a question there and then, make a note and be sure to ask your manager at a more appropriate time. indeed.com have some useful tips here.

By Priya Tank


Working for Carers is a London-wide project that supports unpaid carers, aged 25 or over, to move closer to employment. The project is led by Carers Trust and delivered by its network of partners across London. Working for Carers is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.