
Counselling service

Counselling offers a safe place for you to be listened to, without judgement, to help you understand your thoughts and feelings. We can help you make sense of what you’re going through and support you with the difficulties you’re experiencing.

We offer different types of counselling:

When a person keeps worries to themselves, they can grow to become greater problems, making them even harder to share. Counselling can provide an opportunity to share feelings earlier rather than waiting until it all feels too much, in a non-judgemental setting.

  • Depression and Low Mood
  • Choices and Transitions
  • Bereavement and Loss
  • Self Esteem / Self Worth
  • Stress/Anger – Work/Home
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • Feeling Unfulfilled
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Unsure of Life’s Meaning
  • Loss

Sessions are led by experienced, qualified, professional practitioners who are members of the UK’s leading counselling regulatory body, the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP).

They are accustomed to helping people from many different backgrounds and cultures and with a wide range of personal and work issues!

Contact Harrow Carers for further details.

Want to know more?
Call us on 020 8868 5224

Professionals/ Volunteers:

Volunteer Counselling Placements – Diploma Level

If you are interested in volunteering for us as a counsellor in training, or if you are qualified and are interested in supporting young people please complete the Volunteer application form.

You will need to be training or qualified as a minimum, at level 4 Diploma in counselling. We do not require a particular modality and welcome applications from all trainings. Once you have completed the application form please email it to our admin email address.

We expect all volunteer counsellors to work on one rota which is three sessions. You will be required to join a supervision group meeting once a month. Also we would expect you to attend for Induction before commencing work with us.


“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

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