Jargon Buster

Harrow Carers Jargon Buster

As a carer there’s plenty of strange words thrown around that may not make a lot of sense to you when you first hear them, below we’ve put together a list of all of the most commonly used terminology in the care sector by the council, institutions and other carers.



Process of making a judgement about something.



Enablement of you to get support you require independent of the local council.



Support that is provided in-house or in the community post-hospitalisation discharge.



Mental condition characterised by difficulty of communication and relations with other people.




Financial aid provided due to situational impact on an individual’s health or other circumstances.


Behaviour Disorder:

Health conditions causing impact on behavioural actions socially and emotionally.



Care Plan:

A plan created after an assessment stating what your care needs are and how they will be met.



A person whom provides unpaid support to another individual who is ill, disabled or struggling, thus would not manage without their aid.


Care Worker:

A person of whom is paid to support an individual who may be ill, disabled or struggling and would not be able to manage without his help.


Community Care Services:

Social care services that can help individuals live fully and independently rather than staying in a care home.


Care Act:

A UK Law passed in 2014 setting out the definition of care and carers entitlement from local councils.


Carer’s Allowance:

Weekly payment by the government to carers, dependent on hours of care, personal salary and the benefits you provide with your care to the cared for.


Carer’s Assessment:

Assessment of a carers needs by the local council. The needs assessed are of the carer themselves and not those separate to the needs of the person being cared for.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:

Therapy form to help manage problems via a change in the way of thinking.



Keeping information regarding someone safe and private from others.



Agreement of permission for someone to act.



A professional who is trained to listen and aid through problems or issues being faced and the emotions they evoke.



Direct Payment:

Money paid directly to yourself or paid out directly to someone else by you on a regular basis.


Degenerative Condition:

A condition that worsens over time.


Discharge (Hospital):

Hospital’s allowance of people to leave and return home.



A syndrome concerning an ongoing decline of brain functionality including memory loss, thinking speed, movement slowdown and language difficulties.


Developmental Disability:

A form of disability which affects development of a person’s brain, causing difficulties throughout their whole life.


Duty of Candour:

When a situation that has gone wrong concerning health or social care provided to you, the provider has a legal duty to be open and explain the situation to you.




Determination of whether or not you meet criteria for certain services.



Formal Patient:

Someone who is held hospitalised and is not allowed to leave for the safety of themselves and others.



Condition of becoming more susceptible to illness or injury and difficulty recovering as you get older.



Gateway Worker:

A mental health worker who helps deal with problems like mild depression, anxiety or stress etc.



Home Care:

Care provided in your own home by a paid care worker to help with daily tasks. Also known as domiciliary care.


Handy Persons Service:

Local service offering aid with small, practical tasks at home.



An arrangement of someone living with another person who required aid in their own home with minor tasks such as cleaning.



Independent Living:

Living in your own home independently with the level of assistance received being by choice.



A physical or mental issue that someone is born with.


Intermediate Care:

Care services aimed at keeping conditions stable and the cared for independent at home rather than progressively declining in condition until hospitalisation.



Joint Assessment:

Having an assessment of a carer and the cared for’s needs simultaneously.



Kindship Care:

Where a family member or friend cares for a child full time due to the parents not doing so.



Learning Disability:

Where a brain impairment causes difficulties in learning how to communicate, understand complex information or learn new skills.



Means-Tested Contribution:

Financial assessment of means to recognise level of contribution the council will provide in terms of benefits or other entitlements.



Named Social Worker:

A single social worker that is allocated to an individual as a point of contact.


Necessary Care:

Care/support provided by an unpaid carer to help the dependent do what they are unable to do independently.


Needs Assessment:

A consideration of what needs you have based on age, disability and illness and if they are being facilitated.



Description of an individual who has a brain which operates in a typical manner.


Next of Kin:

Your closest relative by marriage or blood.


Nominated Individual:

A person who leads a care service and ensures the services are safe and of a good quality, judged by the CQC.



Older People:

Those typically over the age of 50 to most institutions.



Personal Assistant:

Someone you choose to support you in the way you deem best.


Personal Budget:

Allocated means to pay for your care support as outlined by your assessment.


Preventative Services:

Services to prevent one or more serious issues developing from a currently not so problematic situation(s).






Respite Care:

A service to give carers a break by provision of short-term care for the dependent.



A re-assessment of your care needs to determine if your needs are successfully being met following initial assessment.



What you are entitled to legally as a citizen.


Risk Assessments:

An assessment of your health, safety, wellbeing and ability to manage daily routine tasks.




Process of ensuring adults that are at risk are not being mistreated, abused or exploited.



Assessment of one self in regards to your own circumstances and why you need support.



Recommendation of information you may find useful by us for you to explore.


Social Care:

Aid required such as personal care or practical assistance to live independently and comfortably.



Tertiary Care:

Specialist in health and care for the requiring specific issues. These forms of care often have equipment specific for the issue’s needs.


Transfer of Care:

When moving from one form of care area to another a transfer occurs.



Process of assessment to decide if urgent medical attention is needed or how long such can be delayed.



Urgent Care Centre:

A centre for illness or injury staffed by nurses and GPs. An alternative to A&E services.



Voluntary Sector:

Organisations such as our own that are independent of government and local councils action.



Walk-in Centre:

A NHS centre accessible without an appointment to treat illness or injuries that are not serious enough to go to A&E.



Encapsulates your physical and mental health, control over daily life and relationships.






Young Carers:

A young person aged 18 or under that is a carer, aka looks after someone who depends on them for support.



Zero-Day Admission:

When you visit hospital but end up not needing to stay for a night or more.





If there’s any words you think we’ve missed, just tweet us at @HarrowCarers with the hashtag #WhatDoesThisMean?

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