Dementia Service

Dementia service

Harrow Carers offers support to Carers supporting family members and friends with Dementia


6-week rolling programme for both carers and their loved ones who have dementia.

On each programme we offer participation for 12 carers and their cared for person once a week for 6 weeks.

Our aims of this programme are:

  • For the carers to be in an environment where they feel safe and able to off load. The carers are in a small group setting where they can share and learn from one another in a non-judgemental space. Every carer gets the opportunity to talk and share. We never fail to have a good laugh.
  • To link our carers with other professionals so they can be better informed. For example, we have colleagues from the memory clinic and health professionals such as the bladder and bowel nurse who gives guidance to our carers as well as providing activities.
  • To give our carers the skills to carry on with their caring role and therefore we cover topics as communication and managing challenging behaviours. Our carers have reported these skills they have learnt have reduced their stresses as they are able to support the person they care for better.
  • To help our carers plan for the future for example we have linked with local solicitors who give advice on LPA.
  • To help our carers and cared for feel positive and engaged together. At the end of every session, we organise experiences shared with both the carer and their loved ones such as chair yoga ,games and quizzes. It’s amazing to see our carers and their loved ones smiling engaging in activities together and leaving daily on a positive note. Our carers have also formed friendships outside of the groups which has been amazing to see.
  • To look after those with dementia in a safe and stimulating environment while their carers are attending the course.

Friendship café (1st Weds of the month 1.30pm-3.30pm)

We run a monthly Friendship cafe which is for both Carers and their loved ones who have dementia. This is a safe space for those who have attended the course and others to re-meet old friends and continue to gain peer support. As well as refreshments and entertainment. The sessions are often attended by other professionals such as our benefits advisors.

Dementia Hub for Carers (Every 2nd Weds of the month, 3pm-5pm)

Knights Court Care Home (Residents only)

Venue: 107 High Street Edgware HA8 7DB

Dementia Hub (Every 3rd Weds of the month)

For carers who have loved ones in Northwick Park Hospital

Venue: Northwick Park Hospital Watford Rd, Harrow HA1 3UJ (exact location can be found on posters in hospital wards).

Friendship Café at Stanmore Chapel for Carers (Every 4th Weds of the month, 1pm-3pm)

Venue: Stanmore Chapel, Marsh Lane/Nelson Road Stanmore HA7 4HP

Feedback from our carers

“I have enormously enjoyed doing the Dementia Carers Program. I have learnt more about dementia and how I/We are able to best support my Mum including understanding why some of her behaviour is changing/different as well as how I/We should respond to her evolving needs. I know more about local and national agencies and organisations that my mum and we can access for her. I appreciate my fellow carer learners including their advice and experience. My thanks to Harrow Carers for the opportunity to do this learning and which I recommend for each and every person caring for loved ones with dementia.”

“really enjoy attending the Dementia programme as it’s been very helpful and provided me insight into the challenges associated with caring for dementia

It’s also an opportunity to socialise and express our opinions

Big thank you to Roshanthi for guiding, supporting and organising this Dementia programme”

For more information please contact Roshanthi on 020 8868 5224 or email

“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

“They really have been a lifeline – lifesavers! We badly needed their help to get the services and support. But most importantly they have been talking to my mother and helping her cope, and me cope as a carer.”

– Mukesh

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